Impact Stories

Mary helps girls who were just like her succeed in school

October 5, 2021
Mary helps girls who were just like her succeed in school

Born in rural Guatemala on a coffee farm, Mary first started school when she was 10 years old, when one opened near her community. From the very first moment she was in the classroom, Mary knew she loved learning. She knew she wanted to go on learning, but she also knew her path to college would be challenging. 

Often expected to help with chores, childcare, and contribute to the household income instead of attending school, girls in rural villages are at high risk for dropping out before they reach 5th grade. In a region where families live off less than $1/day, few have enough money to pay for basic necessities let alone transportation or supplies for school. 

Such levels of extreme poverty thus become cyclical: young women cannot develop essential life skills to grow, establish a future outside of the domestic space, or contribute to the local economy. For most Latin American children, over half of those who attend school never even learn to read, their illiteracy seriously limiting their options for a career. 

Mary was determined. She earned money as a farm worker, harvesting and caring for coffee, to help put herself through school and finish her degree.  When she graduated, she was the first from her family and from her community to do it. Now Mary is working with and supporting students who come from a similar  background – kids living in rural, coffee-growing communities where quality learning opportunities can be challenging to access. Where a role model and someone walking alongside you can make all the difference. 

Mary is able to help students who are just like her. 

Because of where Mary grew up, if a school hadn’t opened she might not ever have had a chance to learn. Now, Mary works with Project Alianza to help kids who were just like her stay in and succeed in school. Students who, just like her, might not have had an opportunity to go to or succeed in school without support for someone like Mary. By creating a safe space for students, providing educational resources, and encouraging them to pursue their goals, Mary is empowering the next generation of leaders. Through mentorship, entrepreneurial workshops, and leadership development, Mary is working to ensure that students are given holistic support to stay and succeed in school.