The future of coffee is just & regenerative

Become a partner

Hidden beneath the beauty of origin is a profound lack of access to basic necessities like education and health care. This scarcity keeps coffee farmworkers and their children trapped in generational poverty. By partnering with Alianza, you can future-proof your brand by supporting the literacy and safety of children in the coffee workforce.

We're working to change that.

Brands leading the industry forward

Partners leading the industry forward

More than just marketing

We form alliances with coffee farmers, roasters, and cafes to disrupt generational rural poverty by way of community-led education. These alliances build a more equitable industry and empower our partners to become changemakers to their own stakeholders.

Reaching beyond sustainable

Eight years ago, Tinker Coffee was a small roaster house in Indianapolis. Today, they are making waves in the industry through their approach to supply chain sustainability.
Read Tinker's story

Become a changemaker in coffee 

Ethical Branding 

Become a brand partner through an annual donation and be part of year-over-year industry change. We’ll equip you with a media kit for you to share how you’re supporting origin communities.

Donate $1/bag

Pick a coffee from the region or a farm we work with and give a portion of sales straight into the hands of the community. Co-branding will help your audience know which bags give back.

Fundraising Campaign

Rally your community and raise funds to support gender equity, resilience to climate change, or paths out of poverty for origin communities. We’ll give you all you need to succeed.

Become a partner

Real relationships driving change

Juan Castellon grew up during Guatemala’s civil war and dropped out of school in third grade. Through a partnership with Alianza, he donated a plot of land for a new school to support youth on his farm and strengthen the local economy.
Read Juan's story

The future is waiting for you.... Project Alianza's focus is on providing the daughters and sons of coffee farming families with the opportunity to go to school - to learn.  Every day, Project Alianza students and graduates are putting what they have learned to work in crafting their futures and ours.

Advocates' trips with Alianza pull open the curtain that is often present during sourcing trips.  With Alianza, you are welcomed with the trust and sense of uplifting collaboration that Alianza has built with the community. Seeing the communities that the industry is built on in this light completely changed my perspective on the industry and what supporting farmworkers looks like.

Ready to do better than good?

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