June 21 - 26, 2023

Visit Nicaragua

Sign up for this trip

You can go on a breathtaking journey with a positive impact

Driven by connection and positive impact, our trips are dedicated to good change and to experiencing the awe and wonder of a new place. The villages where we work do not need tourists to perform labor on-site; they do benefit from the ability to share their stories and experiences and from the advocacy that these trips ignite.
How traveling with Alianza gives back

Pricing & Payment

Total cost: $
Can be paid in full or in installments. Includes a non-refundable deposit. We offers discounts to students, groups, and BIPOC individuals.
Email trip lead, Tyler Wright at tyler@projectalianza.org with questions.
All in-country transportation from airport pick-up to drop-off
Three delicious meals a day
Full-time English-Spanish translator
Full-time guide with 5 years of experience living in Latin America
Learn from the women who run education programs in remote, rural communities
Activity designed to build cross-cultural connection with Alianza students
Adventure! Wander colonial cities, climb volcanoes, chase waterfalls
Travel with people from all over the world who care about conscientious and authentic experiences
*Details subject to change based on trip.
Airfare to International Augusts C. Sandino Airport (ACS), Managua
Alcohol (on average $3 - $10 per drink)
Snacks (on average $0.75 - $5 per snack)
$10 tourist visa (paid on arrival, cash required)
*Details subject to change based on trip.

You can unlock a trip if your company matches your donation

Tell me how
Being apart of the trip was such a rewarding experience. It allowed me to visit places and meet people that I never thought was possible.
Jessica • Nicaragua 2018
Some FAQs
How does traveling with Project Alianza support sustainability?
Proceeds go directly back to the communities you visit while with us, and enable us to continue investing in Central American students and educators. We also hire local guides and stay at local places to support the local economy.
Is the cost of the trip tax-deductible?
Yes, Project Alianza is a registered 501(c)(3) and 100% of the profits support our work. Tax receipts are available upon request.
How do I reserve my spot? 
There are a limited number of spots for each trip, so act fast! A 50% deposit is required at least 6 weeks before the trip date to guarantee your spot. 

Let us know you’re interested in the Guatemala or Nicaragua trip by filing out the form on that page.
Is it safe? Do I need any vaccines?
Yes, both countries are generally safe! Consult your doctor about any vaccines you may need. We encourage a COVID vaccine to prevent spread to the rural villages you'll be visiting. We'll provide a list of guidelines so you have the tools and knowledge to stay safe and healthy.
How we keep you secure
Can children come?
Our trips are family-friendly! We believe travel fosters empathy, builds confidence, and provides insight into new perspectives and cultures.
How Calypso first visited when she was 12
What if I don't speak Spanish?
We've got you covered! Our bilingual travel guide will facilitate Spanish-to-English translation and vice versa, helping you get the most out of your travels and interactions.