International Youth Day: Creating a World for All Ages

August 12, 2022
International Youth Day: Creating a World for All Ages

We envision a global community built for all ages, where support among different generations is valued and factored into achieving stronger, sustainable societies.

Today, Project Alianza joins the United Nations (UN) in celebrating International Youth Day, a call to raise awareness for intergenerational solidarity and to break down barriers for a more equitable and inclusive world.

In unison with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Project Alianza believes that education and opportunity are not privileges, but fundamental human rights. Like access to food and water, education is essential to develop into a fully-rounded human being, as to participate in the world, one must first learn about the world. Data from UNESCO suggests that if all humans received a secondary education, global poverty would be cut in half, making education one of the most powerful and proven ways to lift youth who are socially excluded and impoverished.

Unfortunately, widespread and equal access to opportunity and education are not always present. Ageism – the stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination based on one's age, is an insidious and harmful purveyor of this inequality. The UN, in their Global Report on Ageism, notes that “young people continue to report age-related barriers in various spheres of their lives such as employment, political participation, health, and justice.” Ageism is just one brick in the wall of inequality - economic, racial, genders, and geographical barriers also exist. That’s why pathways of intergenerational support are vital for youth to achieve a quality life. If we leverage all generations’ strengths and create harmony amongst them, we further develop more sustainable, equitable systems.

A few ways we integrate intergenerational solidarity through our programs are found in our health initiatives for students.

Due to COVID-19, many concerns quickly arose for the well-being of children in our partner communities. With the leadership of our community educators and local staff, kids now receive various hygiene lessons to keep them safe and in good health.

Our Community Educators utilize their skills to design fun, interactive health and hygiene workshops to effectively instill knowledge and good health habits at home and in school. It’s this attention to providing quality education that educators can make all the difference for youth!

Integrating gender equity initiatives with intergenerational systems are also essential, as age biases often intersect with gender biases. In Central America, where we work, girls’ teenage pregnancy and school drop-out are pervasive and sustained by governmental and societal norms. Due to these factors pressuring girls to drop out, there’s a disparity of educational opportunities for boys and girls. Yet, the path to gender equity runs through education. By putting adult, educated women at the forefront of our programs, our Community Educators, we directly help young girls have role models that relate to them.

Our girls’ camps are especially important, as they provide a safe, open space to learn about gender equity, where girls can explore their own goals and potential.

Every day of camp is designed by women who have lived the realities these young girls are currently living and are the perfect leaders to guide them. This intergenerational and gender equitable support system is a pillar in our mission to further close the education gap girls experience.

If we are to make this world more inclusive and equitable for everyone, we must take it upon ourselves to have an active role. We encourage you to take International Youth Day as an opportunity to learn about the work we’re doing at Project Alianza and join us! Every person has the power to create societies that value everyone. Learn more about how you can get involved with Alianza and even visit Central America with us!